20 May 2011


Any more nowadays, it seems every time I click on "New Post" the blank screen taunts me, Qwerty laughs, and my fingers freeze up.

My notebook and pen are ever present, their weight reminding me of their disuse.  I carried them the other night while chasing the offspring around their new trampoline, and finally put them back on the front seat of my truck, where they sit so I don't lose them.

Several ideas bounce around in my head, daring me to put them to paper or screen, and then avoiding my reach when the time comes.

A writer is a gunner, sometimes waiting in his blind for something to come in, sometimes roaming the countryside hoping to scare something up. Like other gunners, he must cultivate patience; he may have to work many covers to bring down one partridge.

-E.B. White
Here's to roaming the countryside hoping to scare something up.

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